Volunteers Charter

This Charter identifies our commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment for volunteers, we recognise that volunteers are a vital resource and we will ensure that:

Role: Our volunteers and/or staff are made aware of the expectations and boundaries of

volunteer roles.

Recruitment: Our Volunteer recruitment procedures are fair, efficient and consistent.

Induction: Our volunteer induction process is consistent; during induction all volunteers are

informed of the organisations ethos and introduced to relevant team members.

Training: We meet identified needs by providing relevant training so that our volunteers can

operate safely and effectively in their role.

Involve: Our organisation recognises and promotes equality and diversity; we encourage

volunteering for all.

Engage: We provide a variety of ways for volunteers to contribute their opinions and feed this into organisational development.

Value: Our organisation encourages a positive attitude to volunteers/volunteering. We regularly recognise and acknowledge the value of volunteer contributions.

Support: We provide consistent volunteer support; this includes a named contact for volunteers; we ensure our volunteers are aware of how to raise concerns.

Health, Safety & Wellbeing: We have identified any physical and emotional risks of different volunteer roles, minimized these risks, have relevant policies and procedures and hold adequate insurance.

Review & Development: Volunteer involvement and management is regularly reviewed at

operational and strategic level.